Right, I have partied, I have studied, I have relaxed and I have created pavement pizzas the likes of which dominoes can never deliver and the local council cannot purge. I am back!
So what have I done since I've been gone? I have seen fantastic bands, I have witnessed the rise of yet another irritating yet harmless X factor contestant and I have retained and strengthened my passion in metal.
I have however found that there is one metal genre that keeps recurring in my play lists, one genre whose infectious sounds and ideas have permeated into my own amateurish guitar and drum playing.
However, this genre is not one but several genres. I know sounds bizarre right?!
Sludge metal, groove metal, stoner metal, neo-psychedelic metal, post thrash, alternative metal....
Basically I refer to any form of metal which is predominated by a groove. Unfortunately man's obsession with classifying every aspect of life has also reached into such abstract areas such as music. Trust me I'm a scientist, I make a living classifying shit.
This is not to say that I have lost appreciation in other forms of metal but I seem to be immersing myself with the groove. So I shall attempt over my next articles to introduce you to bands that you've probably never heard of.
I aim to sling you into the depths of sleazy groove, whilst also trying to introduce other genres, which have this proverbial groove. So call it groove, swing, sway, feel or just down right fucking awesome! I hope to broaden your horizons.
So as I go I will also attempt to create my groovy play list, including a wide variety of artists and bringing to you some of their landmark songs.
So I best get thinking for the next article before the weeks over.
Shai-hu-lud masticates slowly on the fruit of knowledge,